Letter to the Editor – Merchant Minute

This post is by request of Helotes City Councilman Matthew Merchant, Place 5. 
The Merchant Minute
I am writing the “Merchant Minute” to provide the community some feedback, insight, and some very general thoughts of mine. For this initial episode, I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences while running for Helotes City Council. I hope to continue this endeavor monthly. I appreciate all feedback, comments, or concerns.
​My initial thought is that I am excited! I am excited for the City of Helotes and the people who call it home!! I am excited about the future!! I am very excited to be a part of something bigger than myself. I am proud that I chose to run for City Council. I am proud of my family for supporting me and more importantly – for believing in me. I am thankful that the community didn’t initially push me off their porch as I was knocking on doors, but allowed me to speak about myself and why I would make a good City Councilman.
​If you have never put yourself out there for God and community to give you a close inspection, it is a bit unnerving at times. To put oneself out into the public for scrutiny is not easy. To be asked about your past, beliefs, and convictions is not easy, but I would not trade this experience for anything. The results were reassuring and convincing that I am on the right course.
​Most times while meeting new people I made connections. The people of Helotes that I have met have been very positive and encouraging. My neighbors and friends were very supportive and gave me the needed confidence to put my name on the ballot. The local business owners that I met were forthcoming with concerns and ideas for me to take to City Hall. When I met the very talented city staff I was blown away by their knowledge and professionalism. If you get an opportunity, drop by and thank them, they do a wonderful job for Helotes. The police officers and firefighters that I have had the opportunity to speak with have been insightful interactions that I have learned a great deal from.
I am excited, encouraged, and proud to be part of the team that will move Helotes into the future! I am excited to meet you and hear what your thoughts are on Helotes.
To contact Matthew Merchant: [email protected]

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