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News Tip & Letter to the Editor
Submission Type

You can upload completed articles and photos here. Max 2MB per file. Max 6 files. Accepted image formats are .jpg, and .png. Accepted document formats are .pdf and .docx. 

By clicking submit you affirm you are providing us with a valid news tip and/or originally authored article, photography, and imagery and waive all rights, copyrights, claims of the documents submitted. 


News Tips Guidelines

Some examples of news tips we are always interested in hearing about:

  • Professional Achievements
  • Academic Achievements
  • Local Safety, Security and Crime Issues
  • Local Government Issues

Please note that we do not accept Press Releases from businesses, well-funded nonprofits or Political Action Committees via this form.

Letter to the Editor Guidelines

We accept personal opinion articles on various topics generally referred to as a Letter to the Editor via the form on this page or emailed to [email protected].

Some examples of Letters to the Editor we are interested in:

  • Opinions of Local Government
  • City, County & State Elections Personal Opinions
  • Taxation Opinions
  • Local Quality of Life and Entertainment Commentary

Sponsored Content/Advertorials

Are you a local area business interested in telling a story while increasing your brand visibility? If yes and your brand is looking for hyper-local publicity via Helotes News, please visit our advertising page.