Helotes Ag Booster Club’s Auction Committee Texas Hold’em Tournament Fundraiser

Last month, on Saturday, November 13th volunteers and poker players came together for a fun Texas hold’em tournament fundraiser hosted by the Helotes Ag Booster Club’s Auction Committee. A little over $3,200 was raised at this tournament. This fun night helped support the Helotes 4-Hers who will be showing at the Bexar County Junior Livestock Show and Walter Gerlach Livestock Show.

2021 11 13 - Helotes Ag Booster Club Texas Hold'em Tournament Front DoorThe 44 tournament players competed for a total of $3,500 with the tournament winner taking home a check for $1,150!

2021 11 13 - Helotes Ag Booster Club Texas Hold'em Tournament Players

Throughout the night drawings were held for door prizes and raffle giveaways. A total of 20 door and raffle prizes were given away to the tournament players. Tournament players with winning tickets took home prizes donated by the club’s members ranging from baked goods to a very large basket full of various liquors.

Auction Committee member Katie McClain, who also serves as a Director for the Helotes Ag Booster Club, provided us more detail about what went into this fundraiser. “The Stagner Family was amazing!  We had many Helotes 4-Hers that donated baked goods and Dino & Ginos and Helotes 4-H families donated items to the liquor basket. The raffle was provided by Geralds Casino Parties and they donated all proceeds to the Helotes Ag Boosters Auction Committee.  We want to thank all of our volunteers that made the event a success and want to thank Geralds Casino parties for running such a smooth tournament!!  We want to also thank Schott’s Meat Market for their support with the meat provided.  We want to also thank the Helotes 4-Hers that provided the appetizers, snacks and desserts for the evening.”

The tournament itself was very fun. As the tournament progressed the last 8 players consolidated to the final table. The table was surrounded by nearly 10 observers waiting to see how things played out. I (Matt McCrossen, Helotes News owner) placed sixth at the final table with an all-in bet trying to make the most of my medium chip stack as the blinds continued going up. The chip leader called with his roughly 1:3 chip stack advantage. My pocket Kings drowned when the dealer dealt an Ace on the river. It was an entertaining loss to see pocket Kings taken down. The sting wasn’t so bad because I won the liquor basket door prize.

We asked the club how they felt things went and if there is a possibility of a future tournament. “I believe this was a successful event and we have hopes of getting more participants next time, Katie McClain said. “Highly likely sometime I the spring after Stock Show season is over.”

Katie continued, “I grew up in Helotes 4-H and now my children are growing up in the program and I am so happy to be able to give back to an organization that has helped make me who I am today. I have been involved in the Helotes Ag Booster Club for 4 years.”

To learn more, how to join or how to help support Helotes Ag Booster Club please visit their website at https://helotesag.wixsite.com, Facebook business page at https://m.facebook.com/HelotesAgBooster or email [email protected].

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