[vc_custom_heading text=”Linda Salazar” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”Candidate for Place 2″ font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]
[vc_message]This page provides our readers information on a candidate running in an election for Helotes City Council. This page does not represent endorsement by Helotes News LLC or any of our advertisers.[/vc_message][vc_custom_heading text=”Candidate Interview Part 1″ font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

General Background

How long have you been a resident of Helotes?

I’ve always loved Helotes and was thrilled to build our forever home here in June 2019. The kids are happy and thriving in our new community.  We enjoy walking our dog, getting to know our sweet neighbors, and driving around to explore the beautiful neighborhoods and see the lovely homes.  These city kids are quickly getting used to seeing chickens and cows on a daily basis!

What do you enjoy about Helotes?

Above all, the people. Everyone has been so warm and welcoming.  People here really look after one another.  Early one Sunday morning, I got into my car to drive to church.  The car wouldn’t start.  My neighbor and his father came into my garage, pushed my car to the curb, and jump-started it for me.  That was the moment I knew that I was truly home and part of something really special.  Overcome with gratitude, I knew I wanted to find a way to get involved and be a part of this community.

What frustrates you about Helotes?

I want every Helotes citizen to feel represented and know that they have a voice in their city government. I also want more diversity, transparency, and communication.

Are you currently employed? If yes, with whom?

I’m proud to work for CHRISTUS Health and honored to contribute to the mission. I do so as a Learning Program Manager in the technology center.  I wear many hats, but one of my favorite parts of the job is training new employees to do their jobs and helping them gain the skills to grow in their careers.

If you are not employed, are you retired, a business owner or financially independent?

In addition, I have my own training business, Learning Linda. I design and deliver training on both technical skills such as Microsoft Office and soft skills such as leadership and customer service.  One of my proudest achievements is that I created an online course.  To-date, it has been seen in 58 countries around the world.

What is/was your professional background before you were added to the ballot?

The day after I graduated from Taft High school, I started my job at HEB. I worked there while I attended UTSA where I served as a UTSA Ambassador, made the national dean’s list, and became the first in my family to graduate from college.  I earned a bachelor’s degree in both political science and sociology.  After graduation, I was a political intern for the City of Alamo Heights where I learned about the inner-workings of city government.  I found it fascinating, but there wasn’t much room to grow career-wise.  So, I took a job as an instructor for a computer learning center.  I fell in love with it instantly and have worked in all areas of training—designing, developing, delivering, and managing—ever since.

Civic Engagement & Community Events

Tell us a few things about how you are involved in our community.

Recently, I was invited to speak at the Hindu Temple of San Antonio at a yoga event where they did 108 sun salutations in the temple’s courtyard.  I was astounded by the beauty of the temple and its intricate carvings.  I was given a tour of the inside of the temple along with a lesson on Hinduism, something I previously knew little about. I was surprised by how many parallels I found with my own beliefs and religious practices.  Afterward, I was treated to a delicious lunch and lively conversation with the participants.  I had such a wonderful time and will definitely visit again.

I am also a volunteer deputy voter registrar.  I’m eager to help Helotes citizens who are eligible to vote get registered.  The process is simple, but so important. Once we are able to safely resume holding events, look for me.  I’ll be the one with the voter registration forms and a pen handy. I’m happy to answer your voter registration questions.

What events have you attended in our city?

Naturally, I’ve attended Cornyval. Since moving here, it’s been a whirlwind getting moved in and settled in our new home.  I was just starting to fill our calendar with local events like the 2020 Helotes State of the City Luncheon when everything got cancelled due to the pandemic.  I’m looking forward to making up for lost time once all this is over.

What events do you support or think should be eliminated/reworked? Tell us why.

I support events that are safe, have a positive message, and bring our community together.

Do you have any ideas about adding public spaces or additional community events to Helotes?

I’m in favor of using the public spaces we already have. I love fun, family events especially those that promote a healthy lifestyle. We love it even more when we can bring our dog along too.


What is your primary motivation for seeking election to City Council?

My philosophy is look around, see what needs doing, and do it. To my dismay, I have learned of decisions that were made in direct opposition to what the citizens of Helotes expressed.  My primary motivation for seeking election to the Helotes City Council is to ensure that the decisions of City Council are made in the best interest of the citizens of Helotes.  I will ensure that there is complete transparency and clear communication about why and how decisions are made.

As an incumbent, what is the primary argument you should be re-elected/appointed?


As a challenger, what is the primary argument you should replace the incumbent/appointed councilperson for your place?

No Helotes citizen has ever voted for the incumbent. He was appointed to the position in 2010.  Because he has been unopposed in the elections since then, his name has never appeared on a ballot.  The voters of Helotes should have a say in who represents them, not have it decided for them.  They deserve a choice!

As an incumbent, what is your primary argument you should be elected to/reelected to the city council place you currently hold?


If elected to council, how will you approach decision making as one of five voting members?

I would use my head, heart, and faith to make the best decisions possible.
I’ve worked for many prominent companies including USAA where I learned how to conduct business analysis using techniques such as six sigma, then created written plans, pulled together teams, and executed the plans using project management methods including agile scrum.

However, decisions can’t be made solely by how things look on paper or in a spreadsheet.  I would seek input from the Helotes community.  I want to hear directly from our citizens how my decisions will impact them.  Listening is the greatest communication technique of all, and I intend to use it to the fullest extent.
Finally, I would pray, asking the Lord for His wisdom, discernment, and courage to make the right decision.

How will you engage citizens in the decision-making process, or will you?

I’m a people person, so I will primarily try to connect with Helotes citizens in person at events. I truly believe nothing beats a face-to-face discussion. Additionally, I will leverage technology to engage online on social media.

Helotes Thematic

How would you describe Helotes to someone who has never visited our city?

It’s a little slice of heaven nestled just outside the hustle and bustle of San Antonio with a vibrant community of down-to-earth, hard-working people who truly care about each other. It’s got everything you could want—great local businesses, shops, restaurants, schools, churches, and a genuine Texas honky tonk.  It’s simply my favorite place in the world to be.

Do you view Helotes as a small town with small-town charm? Or, do you view Helotes as a small-town that has outgrown or is outgrowing that theme?

I think we are both a small town and a growing one. We need to honor our past and stick to our values, address the current needs, and prepare for our future.

If you are an advocate of the small-town theme, how will you work with your council colleagues to continue supporting our small-town theme?

We should definitely hold on to our small-town feel. It’s why we live here!  At the same time, as we add residents and new businesses, we need to include their input in our decisions too.  I am happy to work with the rest of the Council members to listen to our citizens and address the issues head-on.

If you do not subscribe to the small-town theme, how will you work with your council colleagues who disagree with your viewpoint?

Working with people who disagree with me is nothing new. When I served on the vestry of my church, I was known for asking the tough questions and voicing an opposing view.  I respect everyone else’s right to do the same and enjoy a spirited debate.  I have found that when we listen with an open mind, we see that our views are not so far apart.  There is almost always common ground to be found when you’re looking for it, and a compromise is usually just a stone’s throw away.