Helotes Small Business Battles CPS Energy Over Illegal Placement of Power Lines

Helotes small business owner Tammy Pointon contacted CPS Energy (CPSE) last year with concerns about a power line nearly the length of a football field over the beer garden in the back of her bar. The Helotes Country Club, a local honky tonk bar, has been in her family since 1978. 

Pointon didn’t know then that this call would begin a year-long battle with the utility company. When she took over the business after her father’s death 10 years ago, Pointon had the land plotted and discovered the power lines were placed illegally without an easement. Ironically the lines are for other utility customers and do not supply power to the Helotes Country Club.

“CPSE has been illegally crossing this property for decades to supply their customers, not even our lines, and make money,” said Pointon in a text message to the energy company. “I have never been compensated and it is not only dangerous–it’s illegal and unsightly.”

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