This weekend marks the twentieth anniversary of a horrific day when nineteen terrorists associated with the Islamic terrorist organization, al Qaeda, conducted suicide attacks against the United States of America. Those terrorists hijacked four passenger jets to carry out the suicide attacks.
Approximately three thousand Americans were killed on September 11th, 2001. Thousands more families, friends and coworkers were immediately impacted by the loss of lives. Of the four passenger jets hijacked, two crashed into the iconic twin towers in New York City and reduced the buildings to rubble. The Pentagon’s rings were pierced by a third hijacked plane. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after a group of passengers and flight crew were believed to breach the cockpit controlled by the hijackers.

Two decades later in Helotes, a group of citizens, Bexar County Fire, Helotes Police, Fire EMS, and members of the City Council gathered for reflection and to honor the memories of those who perished on 9/11. Helotes Mayor Rich Whitehead opened the ceremony in the Fire Department’s vehicle bays followed by prayer. Helotes’ Robert F. McDermott, Post 309 American Legion Color Guard presented the colors and the unit’s Commander, Willis Gray narrated The Presentation of The Folds ceremony. Following the presentations, several audience members shared their memories and thoughts of twenty years ago and what tomorrow means to them.