City of Helotes COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall

This coming Sunday, March 22nd at 5 PM CST city officials will host a virtual town hall. The mayor, city administrator, police chief, fire chief and medical director will answer questions.

Citizens are encouraged to submit questions they have prior to March 21st, at 12 PM CST. Email [email protected].

Helotes News has questions prepared and will submit prior to the deadline. If for any reason you are uncomforatable directly emailing the City, please utulize this specific form to submit your questions to Helotes News.

We will review, consolidate duplicates or similar questions, and submit them to the City.

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COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Quesitons

The information we collect here is to help craft the finalized questions we submit to the City. 

E.g. "John, a homeowner with a small family who is an employee of a Helotes business would like to know...?"

I it relates to Helotes
13 and older?

If you are under 13 we will contact the parent or guardian you list to obtain permission to submit your question(s)

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